Test Track Testing
Tests tracks around the world
We are ready to test in any test track worldwide. Our team has the necessary driving licenses to test in the most important test tracks in Europe, such as IDIADA, UTAC, CSI, ADAC…

Instrumentation & Data Adquisition
We have large experience with most common OEM data adquisition systems, such as ADTF, VIGEM, VECTOR…
Also vehicles will be instrumented taking care of customer needs.
OXTS GPS, ABD Robots, reference cameras, CAN/Flexray adquisition is usually recorded. Everything with the same time-stamp, usually with Vector CANape.

Experts in consumer testing: EuroNCAP and NHTSA
We are very familiar with the latest EuroNCAP and NHTSA protocols and testing maneouvers, performing the tests within tolerances.
Also having experience in other consumer testing groups such as IIHS, CNCAP, CIASI, KNCAP, JNCAP or LatinNCAP tests, among others.

Client internal requirements testing
We can easily adapt to client needs and perform internal or customized tests, changing speeds, targets, trajectories and much more.
Pre-homologation tests are also possible, having experience in this field:
– UN-R79 Steering Equipment
– UN-R131 Advanced Emergency Braking Systems
– UN-R152 Automatic Emergency Braking for M1/N1 vehicles UN-R155 Cyber security and cyber security management system
– UN-R156 Software update and software update management system
– UN-R157 Automated Lane Keeping Systems (ALKS)

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.